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Monday - Saturday:8:00 AM to 5:30 PM

Take Care of Stainless Steel Sink

Take Care of Stainless Steel Sink

Take Care of Stainless Steel Sink

Mar 26,2021

  1. Clean Daily. Clean every day. Wipe the sink with warm water with a soft towel. It can be mixed in some washing liquid. Remember to dry it.
  2. Remember to rinse and dry the sink after use. If minerals and sediments are deposited on the
sink, clean it up as quickly as possible.
  1. Properly remove the rust, molds or scratches with a scouring pad. Rubbing the sink in the direction of the grain.
  2. Remove rust, mold or scratches properly with wipe pad. Wash the sink in the direction of the outlet.
  3. Keep the sink dry after you use it. Because any standing water can cause a buildup of mineral deposit, which will become hard water stains.
  1. Do not immerse steel vessels in the sink for a long time, which makes it easy to create rust
stains on the surface of the sink.
  1. Do not put detergent or bleach in the sink for a long time, which will make the sink change
color or damage the surface.
  1. Do not rub the surface of the sink with metal sharp products such as wire balls or metal mats.
  2. Do not use internal sinks as cutting surfaces.